Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

a bit personal msg...

this one is a bit personal.. but, in this tech age, nothing is personal...
Coba kamu explore (karena dia kan kirimnya ke kamu) tentang
yang ada di alinea 2:

I'm just fed up
with Indonesian Acedemic system. Plus, I need to get
away from my current friend group. that is why I ask
to go out in 2nd grade..

Ada apa dengan temen2nya yang sekarang? Kenapa tiba2 harus pindah kelas 2?
Coba kamu tanya juga gurunya.

Kalau sudah ... sampaikan:

Allah itu Maha Adil. kadang kita mendapatkan apa yang kita harapkan kadang tidak. Ia mengharapkan ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita harapkan kita bersyukur dan ketika kita tidak mendapatkannya, kita membaca hikmahNya.

Lihat saja Bapak embah, dia produk dasar indonesia. Setelah berkarir baru mastering dst di Amerika. Ketika dia melaju ke puncak karir, dia juga harus menerima kenyataan bahwa dia tidak dipilih RI-1 untuk mendampinginya sebagai RI-2, Dia juga tidak mendapatkan harapan untuk menjadi RI-1.
Tapi kemudian bersyukur, karena ternyata hikmahnya adalah dia sekarang dapat menikmati sisa masa baktinya di dunia.

Satu sifat manusia adalah tergesa-gesa, tidak sabar. Ingat bagaimana Allah mengajarkan kita untuk memahami Al Quran?

Dalam meniti tangga kehidupan, kita harus menjalaninya tahap demi tahap, selangkah demi selangkah. Tugas Abang sekarang adalah belajar sebaik-baiknya. Tolok ukurnya adalah nilai! Selagi masih berbahasa Indonesia, capai nilai setinggi-tingginya untuk memudahkan nantinya, pada step berikut, dapat memilih yang diinginkan.

Selagi di Indonesia persiapkan diri untuk menghadapi hambatan utama belajar di luar negeri, yaitu bahasa. Ketika kita harus menyampaikan pandangan dan memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan. Jangan nanti bilang "saya tahu, saya mengerti, tapi saya kesulitan menyampaikannya". Tolok ukurnya ya TOEFL dan sejenisnya. Bisa nggak, paling tidak 550 deh.

Masalah teman. Teman adalah amanah, dia bagian dari cobaan kita. Teman itu
seperti air, dia bisa memberi manfaat bagi kita, tapi juga bisa menimbulkan masalah bagi kita. Semua tergantung dari bagaimana kita memperlakukannya. Dan karena kita tidak pernah bisa berpisah dari air, maka kita (meminjam istilah bapak embah) harus 'akrab' dengan air.

Always treat friend as a friend, try to understand them better toward a better friendship.

Hadapi semua masalah yang ada dengan bijak. Jangan pernah terpikir untuk melarikan diri dari masalah karena dia akan kembali hadir dalam bentuk yang berbeda. Kita, manusia, baru terhindar dari masalah ketika kita, manusia, mati. Karenanya bersyukurlah ketika kita dihadapkan pada masalah, karena dengan masalah kita jadi lebih terasah. Baca doa Mc Arthur untuk anaknya. Dia meminta Tuhan untuk menempa anaknya, bukan meminta kemudahanNya.

Satu kalimat dari yang-kung adalah:
"Don't waste your time with only dreaming, cause live itself is worth
while living" ...

Belajarlah untuk bisa menerima kenyataan ... Hidup kita adalah hari ini.
Besok, hanya bisa lebih baik ketika kita menyiapkannya hari ini.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


this are my dream univ:
and NUS (

and here is where I got them:
oh and if you wonder who recomended UBC, it was the
CEC , (yang di WTC itu

you may ask why, the anwer is simple, I'm just fed up
with Indonesian Acedemic system. Plus, I need to get
away from my current friend group. that is why I ask
to go out in 2nd grade.. Since you and dad think that
it is better for me to leave later, that is absolutly
fine with me. but rest asure, I will not be as compfy
as I shouldve been.

why I am fed up with indonesian acedemic system? cuz
it limit my intrest just into 2 group. either it's A
or S while I want AS.. so what? I felt caged by the
system. it, in my case, castrade my intrest.

why the long run? maybe it's just me. or maybe
sometime it's just an intuition. but it's not an
escape for sure. I will go back to indonesia...

plus I have no intersty of going to australia.. no
thank you :|
did I make my self clear?
your son

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The life and times of dugie

as you probably begining to wonder... who, in the world is dugie, let me answer you with a question, Who are you anyway?
nahm just joking. Dugie is my internet nickname, I pick that name becuz I was inspired by an old movie called Dugie Howser MD. long stiry short, I used it since I start logging on IRC network in 1997. and registered it later on 2000 and 2002 due to inactifity in IRC network... b4 I use dugie as my nick name, I use Mad-Dog or plainly as Randi as my nick.
so anyway, after spending 7 year in tech world.. I suffer enuf romance on and offline..
will continue my story later but for now, I'll go home and enjoy my Mac :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

very tired...

I don't know why, but this week in general, I just feel very tired... especially my left arm...
I felt like my left are are getting worse by the day... nd there seems some strengthening in my right arm.. the anomaly also happen in my lower body.. and I still don't know why...

*** rant section ***
I need to be angry @ something aren't I? no? why not? becuz I do not know whether I'm still @ my paradise or am I already cross the bridge and go to my personal hell??? I think I'm in neither of both... and that is freakin me out!
*** end rant section***

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

after 6 month....

after six month of happiness, I'm going back to my old self... I'm back on becoming JOMBLO "_"

not that I like it or anything ... it's just that, I felt that... I don'tknow.. it's not that I didn't love her or anything, it's just that, she is... I was her decission anyway...
We Broke up on 9th of August, that's today, @ 1530 :|

back to my old ranting self... when she first told me that she had enuf, the first song that came in mind is *When it's over* by Sugar Ray..

as I say, I want to go back to my old self.. to be honest, the last month of our relationship is just like a ship wreck... the last day of the holiday, when I was in an intesive game time... she ask me to call her, and for me, that is a major bummer... I love her, but I need to get some rest... I guess I spoiled her by calling her almost each nght in our first week or so.. lately, I just fed up with my current load of work, I don't have that much of spare time,,,

lastof all, I want to quote someone who say, "there's is alot of fish in the sea!"
oh and Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream!"

Monday, August 01, 2005

back to school

it's been a week since we are back to school, but I only got my schedule this morning and here it is:





Economics (bookkeeping)


feel the urge to noted that friday is the best day in my schedule :)

The Need for sleep!

after ranting and possibly going to go for a dive in the econ book and the history book later tonight, I felt the need urge to sleep earlier today.. not becuz there's PE tomorrow, but simply becuz I've been wasting my body the last two month... that is venturing the night without any stimulation exept play and work :)

The Need for rant!!! #2

do indonesian always make mistake and leave em like they didn't know anything about it?
cuz from my experience, yes :( which I sometime do *but I always admit it :|
hey, my brother is being "mugged" intelligently by the AW cashier, and he didn't even have that guilty consent over what he had done. see, my brother order some foods,* I agree, he did buy a bit too much for a kid his size,** and wanted to pay them, but then, he got shooked when asked for double the prize he usually pay >:( bummer.. the machine coded an order twice :o
but past that, yasterday, when we go for a bit family dinner @ citrus cafe, we pay almost double the amount needed for getting a bonus/; gift mugs and the waitress didn't even notify us :(


Start your day with a prayer and a Smile :)
Be Prepared or Be Doomed!
“Carpe Diem!”
You are what you think you are!
How Far is Heaven? not far at all!
“I Have A Dream!”
"Didn't I tell you I could make the impossible possible!?"
"God gives us each a song."
"Such is life."
“Put out the light.”