Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Sunday, July 31, 2005


essay buat lomba di LPPM :) doaain menang ya :P
Pemicu Kreativitas dan Kemandirian
Apa itu Wirausaha? Secara umum, kewirausahaan adalah suatu aktivitas dimana seseorang atau perusahaan membuka usaha atau lapangan pekerjaan untuk menghasilkan baik jasa maupun barang. Kami sebagai remaja menggangap bahwa kewirausahaan adalah sebuah usaha untuk mencoba melepas ketergantungan akan orang lain tapi disaat yang sama usaha tersebut dapat membantu mengurangi pengangguran. Melepas disini bermaksud bebas untuk mengekspresikan dan bereksperimen dengan pemikiran kita sendiri. Ditambah lagi dengan menjadi wirausahawan, kita mendapat apa yang disebut “Financial Freedom” yang merupakan pencapaian kemandirian seseorang secara ekonomi. Selain sebagai lapangan pekerjaan, kewirausahaan merupakan suatu ajang yang akan sangat membantu membangun dan memperkuat perekonomian negara ini dengan cara memicu kreativitas rakyat bangsa ini dan para remaja pada khususnya. Dimana para generasi penerus Indonesia harus menjawab tantangan yang diberikan oleh pasar saat ini. Tantangan yang dimaksud adalah antara lain berkembangnya pola pikir masyarakat yang semakin selektif dalam memilih barang maupun jasa yang di tawarkan oleh industri. Perkembangan teknologi juga merupakan sebuah tantangan untuk menguasai pasar. Tantangan-tantangan tersebutlah yang akan memicu kreativitas dan kemandirian generasi penerus dalam dunia kewirausahaan. Dari apa yang kami jabarkan diatas, kami mencapai sebuah kesimpulan bahwa kewirausahaan adalah wadah dimana seorang wirausahawan dapat memaparkan seluruh kreativitas yang dimilikinya sehingga dapat tercapai kemandirian, baik dari segi ekonomi maupun dari sisi psikologis.
Dalam kehidupan masa kini, kegiatan wirausaha dapat menjadi lahan pekerjaan serta tempat menggali ilmu bagi remaja Indonesia. Dunia kewirausahaan dewasa ini terlihat sangat menarik, bahkan bagi para remaja.
Bagaimana remaja Indonesia dapat mendapatkan ilmu dari kegiatan wirausaha? Seringkali terdapat Anggota keluarga yang terlibat dalam dunia kewirausahaan yang kemudian menjadi inspirasi serta lahan menimba ilmu. Dengan ikut serta bekerja dan ikut turun tangan dalam kegiatan wirausaha tersebut. Walaupun tidak dapat membantu secara penuh, namun itupun sudah menjadi pelajaran yang berarti bagi remaja tersebut. Kami ingin mengatakan bahwa seringkali dunia kewirausahaan berada sangat dekat dengan kami, dan hal itulah yang membuat kami lebih mudah mendapatkan ilmu kewirausahaan. Semakin dalam kami memahami dunia kewirausahaan, semakin kami dekat kepada dunia kewirausahaan dan semakin besar pula ketertarikan kami kepada dunia tersebut.
Seperti yang kami tulis diatas, kewirausahaan dapat menumbuhkan kreativitas serta kemandirian dalam diri seseorang, dan kami ingin memiliki nilai-nilai tersebut karena nilai-nilai tersebut sangatlah penting bagi kehidupan masa depan kami.
Sedangkan faktor paling utama yang menjadi motifator kami untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut dunia kewirausahaan yaitu kami melihat dunia kewirausahaan dapat memberikan prospek masa depan yang lebih cerah, ketimbang ketika kami harus memasuki dunia pekerjaan yang semuanya telah diatur dan ditentukan.
Melihat apa yang kami tulis, menandakan kami sangat tertarik akan dunia kewirausahaan yang memiliki keuntungan dari berbagai perspektif.

Avanda Lenty Hanafiah, Aditya Randi Pratama, Renno Ademita
Tim SMA Al-Izhar E

the need for rant!!!

nothing special actually, it's just that, from a stand point of a photographer, a junior photographer to be exact, a student, and a customer, I don't really see the "why" of restricting camera from any shop... from my view point, it is ok to took picture of goods from inside of a store for cataloging or wish-list purpose... seems to me that corporate people is just to paranoid about people who copy their goods, heck, you can't copy a piece of goods just by it's photograph... and if you are serious on copying a thing, you will simply bought the goods and inspect it in your own comfort. not in the buzzing store...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


nice randi... You are still awake doing small things when you could set your self to do alot of better things you have in hands...

*** nuf with rants ***

---begin journal---
it's July 20th, and we are only 5 days away before the next semester begin... I just came back from Harau Valley, doing photography and cinematography work again... this time it's for my mom, and it's outdoor :) fun fun fun... anyway, because it's outdoor, I bring 3 lenses with me, just in case, which is a nikkor 28-70 f.3.5, nikkor 35-135, and a rarely used tamron 70-300. gonna sort the pict first b4 uploading it. maybe to flickr, maybe to da, we'll see later. Anyway, in harau, my mom customer is the staff of Payakumbuh BNI branch office, that making them as my secondary employer? cuz I'm employed by my mom to shoot, and they signed contract with my mom to provide them an outdoor management training. being stuck in an unknown location *or at-least unfamiliar location* is becoming more of a habit these day, cuz, just last month, I was stuck in a hostel in Marseilles, and last week, I was stuck in for *well it's only a 4 day trip* almost a week in another hostel *it's actually a home-stay inn* in Harau. for you geographically disturb, Harau Valley is located just north of padang in West Sumatra, Indonesia. and it does offer one of the best cliff I've seen so far. it's breathtaking view of the valley is more than enuf for my camera.. but absolutely not enuf for me personally. I will *want to* go back and climb those cliff...

next stop, I want to bash the MOS committee to single handedly cancelled our arrangement that involved 3 different group that is quite reputable in it's own, without giving out explanation on why they done such thing... we already arrange the show from last year.... ***FCUK***

next? it's about my love live, which has been, and still is, great, but I still feel... how can I say this, left out? not by the word left out, it's just that... I feel... kindda... sort of... argh... never mind....

Monday, July 11, 2005

going to sumatra barat...

tanggal 14 yang akan datang, gw bakal di kirim ke sumbar buat motret,.. :((()))
so see you all by the 18th.. tgl 22 motret MOS :|

network control strugle

just finish a control crisis. with me as a clear winner. anyway, here's the story. I need to get my little brother to go take his bath, and he just didn't do it. so as a last resort, I shut his 80,8000,6667,and 6348 port resulting an immediate shutdown of his internet service. but what piss me off is that he then grab my headphone and drag my whole computer equipment to the ground >:(

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

flicker JI2005

the flickr addy is thank's for visitting


I don’t know what drives me here, to my computer @ midnight, when all
I want to do is sleep... I know shit what went through my mind
tonight. but I’m sure it’s not nietchie.

finally decided to send the images to flickr. haven’t got respond...
but all I’ve upload is a couple of my bali shot...

here’s the recap of my week. got back from france last wednesday,
generally pass out in the next 3 day,before my grandma got sick @
friday. then it’s get back to routine... Finishing the album for the
JI 2005 on Sunday @ my uncle shack. score the date with my girl on
monday, and just past today in vacuum state. woke up @ 11AM today.
and I still can’t sleep. bummer.

try to look for a provider that will host my images, but still can’t
get one. so I decided to go to flickr for temporary space. uploading
took ages to finish. and it still continue to upload in the background.

start drinking non alcoholic grape juice. or as some say, wine with
r. am just so tired the last couple day, and look at t as an anti
depressant. still can’t find the real wine...

the interface of the blogger still haven’t kicked up yet. so will
continue this rant :p

I am, I think I am, in some kind of a slump of creativity. I didn’t,
even when I can, write/continue the work I left out to do. I stalled
the uploading process of the JI2005 webalbum. I lied to the project
manager of our film project (I told him that I already trash the
archive of our film cuz the original tape is already in his hand,
when in fact, it’s still sitting nicely in my drive. I told the lie
just becuz I am fed up with the process, and the film just didn’t fit
right in my point of view.). And most of my work lately is in a state
where the framing is just off the hook.

even after waiting like for 15 mins, the interface of my blog haven’t
kicked in. but then, I’m uploading photos here...

I’ll post this same rant to 3 difrent blog then. that way, I’ll have
3 site linking to a couple of links :p

the links are as follow: - - still can’t give you the addy of the flickr
album, but it will follow.

Friday, July 01, 2005

at last..... bisa juga gw balik ke interface blogger gw... dari kmaren gak bisa2...
anyway.. .enuf with the rant...

kmaren lusa baru balik dari eropa... capek.. ada +- 10Gb photo yang mesti di edit... I'll tell my story with my photograph.

talk to you later