Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Life is too complicated not to be orderly.

- Martha Stewart

and that my life is as inorderly as posible yet. :p

and today I had a dream... I'm in somekind of kraton, and I'm there with what seems to be my girlfriend, and I see horses, mostly white, but the last one is black, I glace at the other gorse, but I can't stop my self from gazing the black horses. as I gaze further, I met this person, a bit like a bum, but when I shake his hand, I don't know why, he says "I see darkness in you" I ask him what darkness? but all he answer is "I enjoy your fight, you fight like a tiger" then this other person came up and ask him further,but seems like I didn't hear it cuz my girl drag me along the path, and bham, I woke up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Quote from Beliefnet

does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its


Sunday, April 17, 2005


abis 5 hari syuting. seharian debate... gak bisa lama-lama bercengkrama ama senorita tercinta... :((
mo nangis tapi ada kegembiraan udah bisa selesai syuitng

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Katana of Courteous Debate.

Get yours.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

the pope has died, and part of me died with him

I don't know why, but I felt some connection with the pope. and hey, I'm not even a Christian. I'm a sane Moslem, living in the insane world of today.
I felt some thing lost today. I felt something pass after me. is HE *the God, not the pope*** that strong? I wonder if the world will go into peace mode after this...
then I got reminded by my dad about mother Theressa of Calcutt. that make me think of Gandhi. all of them are christian, but then, they do in such way a moslem should do and act. I wonder why. I wonder why...

Saturday, April 02, 2005


sakit kepala nih kalo harus motret invibas tiap hari.. untung minggu selasa ama kamis gw enggak motert :p
anyway, sas, if you drop by, hopefully you will, you gotta fix your blog senorita...
anyway, udah ada bbrp yang bagus dari invibas.. gonna uploadthem anytime soon... mungkin abis gw ngorok setengah hari..
I wanna write a lot, yet there is so little time... Abis nonton Perfect Score lagi... agh... jadi makin pengen mulai... :D
buat yang belom nonton wajib nonton.. oh and pls buka sebelom loe nanya "film apaan tuh?"