Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Monday, June 20, 2005

dari monaco...

dari monaco ama grasseee.. capeee...beli banyak... tapi gak banyak a2 amat.. anyway, mmemoery abis banyak .... hagfbhagfoagkeyboardnyaa gak enak bangeet... anyway, dapet pict banyak yang meenarik... to seenorita... stil lovve you sry fur th typo... bieenn...

au revoir marseille

hari ini hari terakhir ku di marseeille... kotanya 'taxi' tapi gak juga sih.. ah anyway, drpd gw ngomonng gak jelas,lemm giveyouu a quick brief story, todaay... ah udah ah.. pokoke hari ini seeneeng,terus tapi,tiaangnya gondangg ilang... jadi kita mesti bikin yang baru buat beesok di saint trope... asik juga sih besok bakal di saint tropee, kkkota nya katanya keren... aku cinta kamu sasri... ahhh makin maleme makin gila nih otak.. .anywayy,, tinggal enam mmmenit lagi waktu gw online.. masih penasaran nih gw udah bisa gw akses apa beelom taapi anyway, gw harusnnya sih udah nyala... it's on love to chat but havee to go... love the typo...

going to aix today

am going to aix en provancee today... going to be another indoor show with thee songket group... will havee to enjoy today cuz it's our last day in marseeille.. going to spend another 7 min in theee web b4 going out.and thee foxtrot comic today is sureely intresting...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

hi from francee

arhgggfjfghsd... sorry for the typo... but the keyboard@the internet booth is juust plain hard... only have 10 mins left to writee up but i'll try...
thuesday we arrive @ marseille, and still having fun, and I got a lot of pict that day. @least 100 pict of nthe summer sunseet heree. and in friday, the boy are having an aseembly @ the youth hostel we stay in. and it was fun... in the night, we do the `spectalce` in KJRI marseiele. it was fun, there`s this models of jainal songket that we thought are aged older than we, but in fact, some of them are just my agee. that is aa surprice, and they are innndeed amazing... but not to wory my love, my senorita, i just can't forget you that easily, there is reminder evrywhere,,, :) aanywaay, yasterday, wee goto sophie anapolis hoping to see the student, but all we get is the parents.. now that sucks. anyway, cya later...
love you mom, dad, eevvry body in inddonesia, esp you seenorita, ph right, you are still in austrlia right... lovee yoou guys xoxoxo
it'm @ aaa +1 coutry with dst on.

Monday, June 13, 2005

BonVoyage,,, I'm @ southern france right now with the Al-Izhar Journee Indonesia group.. will be back next moth :) drop me an e-mail just in case you need me, I'll try to be online there.. if I can find an internet cafe time in my already packed schedule.
special note for my special someone, Love you all the time..
I'm probably thousands of mile away, but believe in me. just this once...

Thursday, June 09, 2005


drama selesai, gw masuk IS, naik kelas, rebo brangkat ke paris, cwek gw tetp setia walau terpisah ribuan kilometer, what else to ask???
oh ya, begging Apple to switch back, or @ least retain the partnership with IBM,,,, that'll be swell :)
nah jk, still want the iBook thou, and a couple more lens will do just fine :)

I'm in awe... I'm in confusion...
I need my senorita...

one day to go

well, actually, it's two days to go until I get total freedom. but whack. it's already past midnight. so technically, it's one day down. depends on what calculation do you use :p

anyway, I need to rant today. it's a rant on apple recent switch to intel. WTF apple??? IBM and freescale is kewl, but intel??? why inteL? just bcuz you want a bigger share market doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice our secure system. and BTW, the reason OSX system not running fast enough is becuz the OSX is wrapped like a bombay onion :p if only.. but still why intel? why not AMD? why? why? why?
do I have to wait another frikin year to get my iBook??? asdkasjfrhaiorhanfa!

Monday, June 06, 2005

insane... if apple move from IBM to intel, I'll probably shot my self.. it's *the* dumbest thing I heard from Apple this decades.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

random PosT!!!

12:40:17 AM butthen... back to the topikkkk,,,, argh... I miss her...
12:40:45 AM cieee,,,
12:40:48 AM itu wajar ko
12:41:01 AM buat gw ini enggak wajar..
12:41:19 AM why?
12:42:04 AM soalnya biasanya bisa gw lampiasin ke tempat lain.. eg:maingame/ngedit photo tapi kali ini enggak ada :((
12:42:14 AM waaaaaaaahh
12:42:28 AM gw seneng akhirnya lo bs "think the way human does"
12:42:38 AM as in?
12:43:07 AM yaah...merasakan gmn rasanya jauh sm org yg lo sayang...
12:43:19 AM agak2 harap2 cemas gituh...haha
12:43:41 AM bukan-bukan jauhnya... tapi.. .apa nya yya...???? yah gitu deh,...
12:43:54 AM hmmm
12:44:15 AM gmn ya...mgkn krn agak susah keep in touch?
12:44:31 AM enggak juga... I get regular e-mail as always...
12:44:53 AM orr...maybe cuz u couldn`t get the chance to see her??
12:45:20 AM already got that..
12:46:10 AM hmm...trus apa dong?
12:46:23 AM entah lah...
12:46:57 AM atau mungkin gw nya tewrlalu ngantuk jadi kbawa ke alam mimpi???
12:47:13 AM ahaha...gaklah
12:47:16 AM udah bbrapa minggu nih.. mimpi gw aneh-aneh mulu,...
12:47:23 AM deep inside ur heart i know u miss her SOOO...ahaha
12:48:20 AM to be honest. ok . you win . I do
12:48:47 AM juga suka ngrasa gt ko
12:48:55 AM it's natural
12:49:05 AM so what`s to be ashamed of??
12:49:30 AM ya deh.. there is actually nothing to be ashamed... it's just not me/./.
12:50:03 AM yea...cuz u`re not used to it...i bet this is sumthin brand nu for u
12:50:30 AM I felt this way when my iPod is gone for service
12:50:48 AM yee
12:50:59 AM jgn disamain sm iPod dong
12:51:04 AM :p
12:51:13 AM gak sama.. cuman... mirip..
12:51:33 AM yea...but it`s human this time...not iPod
12:51:46 AM ya ya ya

Friday, June 03, 2005


knapa ini??? internetnya jalan.. tapi kok sebagian img nya gak mau load.. yahoo mail cuman mau jalan sebagian. Wired gak keluar imgnya... knp ini?? MyNet brengsek.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

check out my world photo day photo @
thanks for checkin.
will be shooting throught the year, and next year, I still be clickin my shutter.