Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

softball U-23, PowerMac, and stuff

first off, gw jadi ikutan seleksi buat tim Softball U-23 jakarta yang dibikin buat menghadapi kejuaran di surabaya. kalo terpilih, gw bakal berangkat tanggal 23-30 Juni 2007 ke surabaya buat turnamen walikota... kalo enggak ya I'll be here for the rest of the holiday...

hari minggu kemaren game pertama dan kedua seleksi... kerasa banget udah lama gak latihan... ALAIR, no hit, banyak walk ama HOP. masih belom balik nih fokusnya...

abis seleksi nonton Ocean 13 di Blitz Megaplex. and yeah, kursinya agak keras, tapi buat gw sih gak terlalu ngaruh.. agak sedikit jittery layarnya... soundnya ada delay beberapa second. gak terlalu ngaruh.. tapi ya kerasa juga... kamarmandinya agak "gelap" dan gameroom nya belom dibuka untuk umum*damn* dan kayaknya mesti pake blitzcard pula...

film O13 nya agak memuaskan juga buat gw.. tapi pace nya gak secepet O11 dan O12 .. apa lagi kalo dibandingin ama italian job.. tapi yah... lumayanlah....

OON, akhirnya jadi nonton shooter.. dapet dvdnya dan langsung ditonton begitu sampe rumah... :D freakin awesome.. just wish there will be more extensive use buat rifle barunya dia... oh well...

akhirnya powermac gw back online abis 2 bulan hiatus...

gonna blast for now.. belom makan pagi nih....

Monday, June 04, 2007

dream, reality, warfare, love, peace, and stuff...

i don't know what kreep in me in the last couple days or so, but after the exam are over, and most of my worries are past, I start to have more, how to say this, pleasant dream than I usually did.
the other night, i dream of being with somebody i long to be with, and the other day, i dream of being in the seaside on a military type mission*i believe i was on an exercise mission*, and just today, I dream of purposing to a girld i tought i don't really like.
it's quite hard to put on the peices back together. and when I do, it usually only lasted for a couple minutes.

and i kept this peice un eddited un-tuched for almost a week or so... felt a bit sulky today so i gonna write some more... i guess...

about the dream i describe earlier in this post, i like to believe it to happan, but looking on how my life going right now, i won't keep that expectation high...

Saturday, June 02, 2007


it happen in alot of ocassion, but this one really ticks me off..
it's my first tiome, but i know this to be starnge, after sitting for only 30 mins or so, my phallus got numb...
i quickly do some remedy to normalize the damn thing, and thank god it got back normal... and now I'm traumatized and may not sit for the rest of the night... damn