been awhile since my last blog post, and this photo I shot yasterday kindda sum things up...
I've been a tad busy with school work, and kindda underestimate the load college could put to this young boy... lets see what i've been doing this past month, 1 20pages paper on indonesian economics, 2 10pages report waiting to be done, 4 new product development, 10 problem sets, and bunch of assorted quiz... quite a bit indeed...
anyway, i also somehow managed to squish some time to do a photo shoot this past weekend... nowaday tho, i kindda think that i might need a nother laptop just for gaming.. you know.. for those days that require less attention... just cause.. and also, i found some intresting bid in ebay worldwide, some alienware and acouple macbookpro... guess i aimed too high with those. butnonetheless...