shoes and shoe size

If in the last 6 month you've been to a shoes shop, you'll know what I'm talking. I''m talking about shoes and their respective size. in a normal shop, you'll have, at least, 3 kind of size. ranging from US size,UK Size, Europe Size, down to the centimeter size. and the choice of brand will only make matters more complicated. for instance, I love US sizeing for no7, but somehow, nike US size is roughly it's US size minus acouple centimeter. and I quite didn't realize this in the beginning. But after acouple hours of use, it kinda creep in me. and for now, I'm kindda stuck in a awesome nike shoes(pictured above) with a wrong sizing, anyone wanna trade? my shoes number are US 7, UK 41, 40ish cm.
you know where to reach me.