Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

my future?

yasterday, I soldify my stance, and decided, indefinitely, that I will go thru and gofor the military scholarship. go into a university in Indonesia, and enroll in military school... :)
yes, this is a bit farfect idea, but it is still an idea that I will go thru. IF i got accepted in any indonesian uni. if i somehow got accepted in university overseas, I'll go there, finish my degree, and apply for a military position. after that, in 20 years, I will go into politics.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

wierd dream - wierd day

just this morning, before i wrote this entry, i got some of the wierdest dream there is.

first of, I dream of being in love with a girl i dont know- that's quite usual-

than i dream of being in a battlefield -again-

and I dream of getting some award and shit.

and I view my blurred photograph...

and here come the last -and wierdest- part, I swept a stage and occasionally bumps some apple boxs. and the crowd are cheering for my faux paux.

dunno how to dfecode those dreams... anyone?

and on the rest of the day, got several "episode" reocuring during my mid-day nap.

and fast forward acouple hour from then...

already getting ready to bed again.

what other amazing dream will I have tonight?

Friday, January 05, 2007


blah blah ...

4 jam lagi gw dan tim gw bakal tanding lawan jogja. dan latihan terakhir kita cuman setengah tim doang yang nongol...

sisanya entah.. kuampret...

jadinya kans kita untuk menang pertandingan pertama.. yah.. more like 50 -50 la..

anyway, gw baru dapet TM M4 old type, CYMA cm.027-j (MP5A4), MP001 (VSR), dan TM Colt MKIV govt model. :D :D :D

i'll review them later...

USC menang rose bowl lagi taun ini. so thats their 4th consecutive win on rose bowl. GO TROJANS!

but right now, I gotta go...

may the force be with us

happy new year

before all else...

happy new year!!!