Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Monday, September 05, 2005

deep shit

I'm in deep shit. or my nation is...
me, I'm in one cuz i push my self to hard these last month or so, esp after i broke up..
my nation is in one, cuz the leader are too *some of them not all* right minded liberal kapitalist type of bunch.. not realy what we need right now. what we need is some commie god * not commie-but capitalist- bastard* with a firm understanding on indonesia.. maybe a commie is to left, but we do need some one that is not a half face and or atleast someone with the integrity to admit that our nation is too subsidece to called himself democrats, and to free to be called sosialist.. we are all hippies bunch.. and the leader are making us sell our self to the world market... what a shame...


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