Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Twisted - v3

it all begin in a bright sunny day in Mos Eisley, my home planet. I knew have the necesary power to become a jedi. I was young enough to be an aprentice of a jedi master in a jedi temple near my home town. but I am said to wield to much power. and I cannot ressist the power of the dark side onece my power is enlighten, so they say. but then a sympatic Jedi Master acept me to be his second aprentice. it was Lady Natalie. I just can't belive it when I first met her. she is not that old back then. at the time I begin my training, there's also another boy mentored by lady Natalie. but we never face each other until a couple decade later.

my name is Dugie Bones, I' m now a Jedi Counselor, I weild a lightsaber and a short lightsaber. so to say, I'm the only two handed jedi around. or until the wormhole apear that is.

Ever since the wormhole start to pop up randomly, everytime it brings along a couple of unidentify ships containing some crew member. we already researched the technology to go into outerspace, and to


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