Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Saturday, February 26, 2005

twisted v-2

Twisted Galaxy 2.0

I'm here, back at my messy dorm room. you can't imagine how messy my room is. those comunication book on a side of my bed, a poster of Gandhi in the ceeling, my iBook on the desk, together with those OSD cd's, a rack full of coding and text book. my pod is just beside the table as in my mobilephone and my late night read.

So I'm back here. at the discussion, I never imagine have to go back to my room after another night of wild discussions. today is thelongest session in my entire semester. after the last lecture, the only thing I find is field work as I'm now asigned to go back to rusia. I've been there 4 months ago, and that is supposedly my last visit there as an poli-science student... The night is great, but the day course in there is just annoying. anyway, the companies that recruited me seem to like my job there, so they asked my group to be send over, back to russia. this time, luckly, we are assigned on their HQ in moskow, so it will not be like our last assignment. where we are send over to the great plain for 6 monts. but that is better than taking a lecture at the univ back here.
can you imagine yourself, having a room, that you could only stay in for like only 2 month in a year but still have to pay for the whole year.
well anyway, it's already late. And I need to wake up early tomorrow...
I did wake up early today. a bit ealry I must say. The obly reason I do that is becouse I need to say goodbye *again* my sweetest girlfriend. I just hate it when I got an asignment like this.. I barely, almost couldn't stand this anymore. the good thing is, when I got to my gf apartment is that she too had been asigned to the same job. I wonder why they need a buisness major over there. from where I'm standing, I see that they only need univ. student to undertake their legal aspect and a CS student to work on their ancient but still working network, to work their whole operation. but then, I am nobody compared to the company.

Man... I'm very sorry, I haven't introduced my self, and my gf. to tired to even think about you, the reader. anyway, my name is Dugie Bones, it's been 8 year since my last love life. but suddenly I met a girl. Let's talk about it later. I'm curently undertaking a double degree program in UI (univ. of Indonesia) and MPU(Moscow People Univ.) taking a major in Political Science and minor in philosophy. During my free time, I still got that magic with camera, old one I must say, and still practicing Kendo.


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