Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Saturday, February 26, 2005

twisted v-1

Cyber Dugie, me, In collage, hopefully . . .
Hi, My name is Dugie Bones. I'm a first year student to attend the inter-Planetary Relation. The subject is around trading, communications, tradition, social life, etc. Besides the interplanetary Relation or IPR for short, I also attend the IT classes. My Minor is Space Economy and Cryptography. I always like to do some thing in Delta Quadrant University (DQU). I'm the first encryptographer in the CS division. Since junior high, I always like to spent hours on one of my computer just to figure out how a program works. As a first year student in the DQU, I get many of pressure from the IT-AC class. Not likely in IPR, the only pressure comes from the faculty staff. They did give you many pressure, especially because we are the first class of IPR.
My brother Aspire, is still in Federation Junior High. My dad was commanding special forces for the federation. Now, he is a legendary Admiral that saves the Yope(the most respected person in the whole Galaxy) in the ellipse ring incident. Then my mom was an Ambassador for the Dream Planet. They met in Ellipse ring incident. My older brother Souryuu and my older sister Dita both stay on Earth working in the federation headquarters.
As an Admiral, my dad works at the federation headquarters with my brother and sister. While my brother works as an Engineers and my little sisters currently assigned in Designing a new ship for inter galactic travel. Pop's also writes some books. His first book was about urban fighting techniques. His latest book was about fighting in spacecraft. Almost all of his book used by the federation as a reference.
Great, now, can we get back to my stories? As a first year student, I meet many people. Some of them are good men and women while some of them aren't so good. One of them is Sandy. She is a senior while I was still a first year student. At that point, we only met. when Sandy and I met again in CCD, we became friends. We both selected to join FWDT (Faculty Web Development Team). While she organizes the medical section, I'm trying to organize the IPR section. Since it's a broad and is a new subject, I try to get help from as many friends I can help. This is where I met Dita, Mina, Dee, Dexter, and the gangs. We usually work as a team but for the in depth article, we either chose to work alone or to work with the other.
For the IPR study web, we got 2 TB of web space that is use for web-sites, E-mail, and file sharing system. We usually spare the disk at east a gig of storage for backup. As the web master, I'm in charge especially for the website and still hold the Server root access. Every week, the root holder is attending in a usual meeting called WDTM. They report all the web progress there, and we do the password change at the meeting. After the meeting, we usually hang out in Servo Cafe, that place serves the best mocha chino in campus.
After one meeting, I go to `T' cafe. There, they only serve meal starting with the letter T. but that is ok since that day, I want to try their T bones. Mika says their T bones are better than Scurvy 'T bones. There, I met Sandy. She usually hangs out in Servo with her friends. That day, she sits in T, alone, looking blue. In the meeting, she looks ok, but here, it looks like she lost all her data or some things like that. So I decided to sit in her table. Like normal friends do, I ask for her trouble and told her I might help her. At first, she did not reply. Only after I ask her for the second time, she answers. She starts by telling me, in which her boyfriend broke her up that day, after having their nine-years anniversary last week. She says, her boyfriend been seeing other woman in the campus for at least three years. He never told her. I my self is currently not in any relationship for the last couple months, my last is being too stubborn. So I decided to split her up. Opportunities don`t come easy, and she let her guard down. I grab these opportunities to know her more. We chat for the rest of the night. That night, we promise to mail each other every day and to meet up in T cafes' next week. The next day, I receive E-mail from her. I reply her right a way. So does the next day. After the next WDTR, Sandy and I go to the T cafe again. This time, we order tea and tempura. Because this week is the week of Shogun, they serve special Japanese delicacies. We got special assignment that week. Our assignment is to redesign our site so it matches with the shogun theme. Then, we are The only collage students at the cafe. The rest are mostly researchers from the research lab in DQRC. This time, it`s my turn to tell her my problem (I do have problems you know). One of my blade servers goes down and I have no idea how to fix it. My team has been working on it for the last two days. As a first year student, I ask the senior about it. Sandy happens to encounter a similar problem. She says, the problem starts when the server gets only one job for a month. The server still running but it shut down it self when any one contacts it. Even root privilege won`t solve the problem. She says, the solution is simple. Only if the backup tape is available, because it involves system hard boot. After re-booted, it has to be disconnected from the outside worlds. The solution, she says, is to hard boot the server, reformat the hard disk, restores settings, and then starts from scratch. Sounds simple, enough, but the real operation will be as hard as making a new server. Well, it is cheaper than buying a new one.
After talking about the server, we move on to my personal side. I literarily told everything about my hobbies, my past, and my personal life, and even after we end the confersatition I don`t know why I did that. I never do that with my other friends. After an hour or do, we go to my apartment. There, we try to fix the blade server. The attempts made no progress. We rest for the day. She stays for the night. I got a test in the next morning. So I turn on TV and watch the DQU campus channel. They usually give some hint in that channel. I don`t know why, Sandy stays for the night, I thought she will stay if the attempts for fixing the server works. I don`t really have any snacks in my apartment. So I ordered pizza for the night. Sandy also asks me to order some Ice-cream. Looks like it`s going to be a long night. It`s only eight when the pizza and the ice cream come.
We start eating and talking. Since we can't fix the server that night, we decided to watch some movies. Then, I invite her to go to the holo deck and do a Massive Multi Player Holo on-line Role Playing Games. She chose to go and play the Samurai showdowns, a popular MMPHORPG. My character 'Grizzly' is an old fashion archer, while Sandy plays her character 'Sandy' a new age samurai. There were no stories at all. Just pure adventure. The game play involving hacking system, chatting, fact is, if you ever watch TRON, the game play almost imitates TRON 4.0 system. We both go along in an almost equal level.
I'll tell you abut that later. The thing is when we both enter the warnet, a comunity of gamer from the entire cluster of space, I saw her in the list as being a higher leel player b4 and just recently restarted her char. now that is just palin rediculllus. Anyway, we both decided to beta tested the warnet new warroom. as we use from difrent style of play, it became apparent that being a long range-er have it advantage over the brutqal melee.. I beat sandy handsdown... not to make sandy angry, I hop into another warnet just to see their price on some of the item I wanna buy and to go away from sandy. I log-off a second after I heard that Sandy log-off. Sandy then goes straight to my bed. there is only two options available for me at that point. To go to the bed with Sandy or to go back to the holo-deck and start the return home simulation so I can sleep in my holo bedroom. I chose the second option, because I like my holo bedroom. it simulates my old bedroom back at earth. completly, even my old Mac is there. The next morning, I wake up early. Sandy still in her deep sleep when I wake-up. I make the breakfast for two of us. Sandy woke up in around 7. suddenly, she says that she wants to stay in my house for a couple more days. Her things are transported to my apartment that day. Well, I don`t see why she can`t stay. she alread agreed to pay half the rent. Then a question comes in mind, where will I sleep? the apatment is designed for a couple, not 2 mate. I can`t sleep in the Holo deck the whole time. To answer my question, I bluntly ask her. She says that she has no problem sleeping with me and she wishes that I have no problem doing so. She continues to say that she wants to forget her flat that full of stuff from her late boyfriends. I try to cope with the problem. but got stuck with the same conclusion. oh well...
So life continues to move on. As scheduled, I go to campus at 10 o`clock. We wait for professor Vanilla to come and start our mid term exam. The subject that will be examined today is Space Economy and Space Ethic. I`m ready for the Space Economy but I have little interest in Space Ethic. It`s been a boring term in Space Ethic, the faculty always talks about the same Ethic for at least quad time, not once, not twice, quad!
Well, at 10 past 15, the professor comes and starts the exam in 10 and a half. We received two exams that being compressed to a single test. So some number in the exam is a combination between space economy and space ethics. At 12 and a half, I finish the test. It`s quite surprisingly that I can finish it in time. My other colleagues are still battling the notorious question number 33. That number is asking about what should you do, if you meet non federation traders that you urgently have to do business with when the traders can only speak his/her native touge and only wated slave as the buyout option. Heck! It`s the craziest question of all time. you gotta cope with the regulation, economy need, and ethic in the same time just to answer a simple question.
Oh Well, the professor is well known for his craziest. After the test, I go to the maintenance building. There, I met Dita, Mina, and Dexter. Dita and Mina are uploading the site for the cultural Week. Dexter is struggling to reinstall the system on the blade server. The server only want it's original installation, even if the original installment is a decade old. At the evening, we finaly able to finish reinstalling the system. Because I'm so tired with work, I decided to go straight home, where I just remember that sandy is in my apartment.
When I arrived at my flat, I found sandy things already in the closet. I also found out that she already making me dinner. So, I ate the soup she made. Infact, the taste is quite delicious. That night, I decided to watch TV before I sleep. Sandy is already in the bedroom, almost asleep. That night, I try to sleep in the sofa, but I can't. I can't sleep in the sofa. I decided, at last, to sleep in my room, or should I say, Sandy and Dugie room. I thought she is already gone to sleep, but I was wrong. She is not at the bed, she was in the bathroom, relaxing her muscle in the bathtub. So I sleep early that night. Sweet dreams . . .
Last night, I dream something about a game. It's not played at the holo deck, but it rather played in a cockpit. I remember that the game called Danger Zone, or some thing like that. Well, anyway, I do the liberty to take note about that dream. That morning, I found my self alone in the bedroom and sandy aren't there. I go to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. There she sat. with only wearing T-shirts. Never mind! Looks like the breakfast is ready. She forgot the Java. I never can fully awake without a cup of Java. gotta make my java.... After I finish drinking my Java, I start eating the breakfast that consists of egg, toast, OJ, and bacon. It's my first proper delicious breakfast since I move in here. Before now, all I ate is a toast and then I always rush to campus. Well, some changes wouldn't hurt . . .
At the campus, I was greeted by a grim story. Our servers are crashing like a holed biplane. Good things are there's a backup tape of all the data. Still, the problems don't stop there. We have to replace all of our server pronto! I decided not to change it using the same brand but rather replace them using Mac servers. The university agrees to buy the old hardware, and gives us some fund to buy the Mac Server. In the mean time, I decided to use the university server to tell people that we couldn't serve their needs for a couple days.
I go to my class, Sociology 105, professor Vanilla class, again. We already get the test result. not As I predicted, I quite got a decent score. After class, professor Vanilla calls me in. She say that after seeing my progress, she decided to put my name on the draft of her expedition to the unknown space. "A newly discovered part of Galaxy," she say, my essay on "how to interact" put her in amazement. So I tell her that I'm looking forward for it.
Then off I go to my almost late class of cryptographies 303. why do the walk from 105 to 303 take what usually a 5 min walt to a 15 min run? anyway, Today, Mr. Carth decided to give us an assignment to break into his computer. Usually, I look forward on such challenges, but because of the server problem, I know I won't finish it in time. The securities on his Computer are quite steep. I mean, there's PP.(perfect Privacy), no possible back door, well there's one but that backdoor is already poised, strong firewall, and my initial scan show at least three password gates to crack. By the way, he only gave us a month to crack the damn PC. I decided to put the assignment away for the afterburner.
After the long class of Crypt 303, I decided to visit the Server farm. I met Dee and Dexter there, yanking out all the cord out of the old server. I saw a couple of old burn mark in the motherboard. but nothing seem wrong... that's the kind of problems that bother me. I try to find the problem once again. And once again, all I met is failure. I almost electrocute my self that day. I decide, I need a proper rest. haven't got one since a month. to much study I guessed...
When I arrived at my apartment, Sandy almost finish cleaning her stuff. I ask her what she wants for dinner. And she told me that she already ordered a pizza. Anyway, I start thinking about Prof. Vanilla expedition. She didn't tell me the detail, but she told me the coordinate for the mission. I check it at a star map, and I still don't get the picture. But the star map indicate that there's a kind of black hole recently found in the vicinity. the pizza came right away, I pay the pizza, and start eating with Sandy. after a couple slice of pizza, I get an anonymous mail telling me to got to the Spy Cafe downtown. It's a local hangout for the Crypt guy. Sandy asked me to ignore the mail and spend the evening with her at the holo deck.
anyway, I go to the spy cafe downtown. I need some kind of recreation from my hectic schedule. I met dexter and dee together there. they were chatting around. but they seem to be in a deep conversation. they haven't notice me yet so I let them be on their own. meanwhile, I saw Mandy with her boyfriend, sitting in the corner stool. as for me, I sit at the bar, ordering a java, for my late night thinking. I was thinking about the black hole, why does it comes up there. at the chartered region of space? why not in the other region? but more importantly. I am thinking about the expedition. Will I accept Prof. Vanilla offer. or will I stay here, with my current point, I am going to finish my study here in 2 year. but with the expedition, I may have to stay here longer than I accepted.
and my current status with sandy make things more complicated. Will I able to leave her alone at her current fragile status? I doubt I have the heart to do that. but then, who am I? her counselor?
anyway, when I am walking back to my apartment, I was called by Dexter. it seems that hey want to discuss something with me. when I saw the laptop and the VR glasses on their table, I know there's something wrong. but as long as I remember, our server don't have the VR access capability just yet. and our server aren't back up yet.
seems that they notice my change of exprestion so then I was told, that the equipment are prof.vanila's. they say they are the main team of her expedition. anyway, something happening on the Prof. Vanilla expedition ship, Tamron. it seems that something or more likely someone came up there and reconfigured the launching date. the launch are supposed to happen next week, but somebody lock it up and move it up to 4 days. so all we have is 3 day to prepared everything and took off. I don't know how Dee and Dexter get the access, but it seems that they are the initial team member. they know me as the only FWDT member that take double degree, they are my team mate, yes, but they are still my senior. they asked me to wear the vr glasses. I try to put it on. just after I wear it, I saw the security access diagram for the Tamron. I saw two spot being attacked. They already get in from another entry point. I reviewed the system schematic once again. I put the glasses down. And by the faces of dee and Dexter I know that they are in deep shit.
The Professor doesn't seem to notices the forced entry, so we quickly send her a message. right after she received the mail, she quickly send a confirmation e-mail to all of the unconfirmed team member. on that e-mail is also listed the already confirmed team member. I don't see Sandy on both of the list, but I see all of my team member are on the confirmed list.

The Lost Entries
Right after I get into tamron, I try to jack in my computer to the tamron mainframe. just second after I connect it, it got some weird message informing me, and only me, to stop trying to acces the mainframe. since I already atain the administrator right, I totally ignore the message.

*** begin --- twisted Entry --- begin ***
Just after entering the black hole, we emerge into an unknown space. Our communication was cut shortly after we reach sensor range. We knew that this could and will happen. None of us are surprised, but we are being surprised by another ship, just in range of our radar scan. Since that given the fact that we are still inside of the black hole, we can`t contact that ship.
As we calculate earlier, we are going to be in and out the black hole in just a couple second, at that time; we already gather some important data. It is amazing how much data you could gather in just a mere second. after gathering those date, we are supposed to be back from where we started.
And we did, kind of...
We check the sensor, but can't find tamron. The computers tell us that we are in the same coordinate as our first entry. We think that the black hole sucked tamron. that is practically imposible. tamron are supposed to be in at least a lightyear away from the entry point. Don't give me the argument that the sensor aren't powerfull enough. our little ship sensor is the best in it's class. it is designed to be able to scan in any thing in 5 lightyear range. the fact is, it just didn't add up...
We try to search tamron, but we still can't find her. Sudenly, dita give an argument about time travel. even though I'm a bit skeptical about that issue, but the fact that dita brought up are consise. Dita try to explain her theory to the 4 of us. she told that the black hole are maybe a time gateway. which supposed to appear in the gamma quadrant. the time gateway are pretty rare. in this galaxy, there is only 3 recognized time gateway.
and we are not even near the closest time gateway. but there's some argument about this for some time now. anyway, we try to identify the timeframe we landed on. we are trying to do this by id-ing the star around us. we try to make contact on all channel of frequency available to us. our little ship hold fuels for a couple lightyear, and our supply should last for a couple week. we decided that since we landed on the same coordinate, we should be able to reach a habittable planet by a couple day.
we start our journey to the nearest habitable planet. surprisingly, we scaned a civilisation on a supposedly habittable but not yet colonized planet. we approach the planet with coution. from our initial scan, the planet already have a pretty advance space tech. so we try to contact them using radio frequency. but before we even try to send any transmission, we try to listen to their confersation. from what we get, we are facing a very civilised civilatation. and the are talking in english... what a relief. after monitoring them for a while, we decided to go for our first contact. first we approach a space station, we try to make contact, and we do get a respond, audio only, but that's more than enough...
it's a smooth first contact. we recognize our self as a lost DQU student. they recognize they sef as the human, that mean, they consider us as not human. that is just wierd, cuz we know, we are human. anyway, the human, as they say they were, open up a video streaming chanel, which mean they already have the tech and is the same as ours, so we open those streams and start sending ours. our first impression on those so called human is that they are so human. they lookexactly like a human being and to be honest, I'm shoked.
it's unusual that i get shoked. the last time i rememer that I had a shook back in 2010 when I'm still at the age of 10. even at that time, it's becouse I just learnt that I'm the only kid in my comunity that is coss bread. even my brother and sister aren't a cross breader.


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