Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I am pissed today. or at least half of the time i am pissed. some people in my class is starting to get on my nerve. I know it's not good to hate somebody, it just that they are looking for trouble. first off, they are incrediby noisy. no matter where, no matter who, no matter when. it seems that they have only one thing in mind. and that is talk - talk - talk. it occur to me that there must be a reason why those people  act the way they act.
we all could rule out technology, as they all het the same exposure to technology as the group of people that didn't behave like they did.
I think we may blame the culture they grow up with. and to the parent response to their action? . but mostly, blame their peer...


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