If Human Rights are rightfully Enforced, Peace Will Prevail
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. “
universal declaration of human rights
Human Rights
What exactly is Human Rights? One of the most philosophically debated topic in probably human history; Human Rights are rights that are given to human since birth. Human rights are what make us human. Something that we should hold very dear but have we exercised it well in our life?
In this modern day, Human Right issues are being advocated through out the world. The issue of human rights first came up when the principal is introduced by Ibrahim at 2500BC and then the term is coined on 600BC by Solon, a Greek philosopher. And now, it is being universally recognized since the UN’s put forward the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 1948. But somehow people still neglect those principal even though without a universal respect for human rights, the world cannot achieve peace.
We realize that one of the basics of human right is tolerance and respect. These are the heart of the perception of human rights. If tolerance and respect for one another in a community is absent, then peace will never happen. Lack of respect and tolerance will create discrimination and discrimination will lead to segregation. Many communities these days have little tolerance and even little respect for each other that’s why it is very hard sometimes to achieve peace. Maybe all of this happens because they know nothing of such human rights or even open-mindedness and tolerance to difference. How could this have happened? We think that these people are unfamiliar to such difference from the start so we have come to the conclusion that tolerance and respect is very important to be taught at an early age. So to help decrease the neglect of human rights that has happened, we need to start educating our next generation, the children.
Why the children? The two of us have decided to put forward an emphasis on children because we think that children of today are the leader of tomorrow. If the children of today are given the education on human rights they could understood more about the concept of human rights so they will grow up as an individual that respect their own and others rights. And also one of the main reasons why human rights are created was because of the world’s need for peace. It was first used as a weapon to protect the innocent which is ourselves and especially the next generation; the children.
How is the best way to educate them these rights? It’s not just by telling them about it, but also stressing it in their life. By treating them with the same respect as another human being because who else but us, the adult, the people they look up to, could help them understood. And us, as adults need to open more eyes and make people more conscious about human rights and children rights. We agree completely of the Children Right Convention created by the UN but socializing it to a lot of people is still very much needed. And apart from that, enforcing these rights the right way is also our next challenge
Now, how do we rightfully enforce human rights?
What rightfully enforce means to us is that human rights are given and educated throughout the community by action but without force. We think there are a lot of countries that may have human rights as their national principal. But they don’t rightfully enforce it. Let’s say one of the examples is creating unnecessary wars and war itself is a direct violation of human rights and international law. If we continue to do these things how do we expect for human rights to happen? We must all starts from ourselves.
But what if our rights were violated, how do we go against the person who violates it without creating aggression? Can it be done? Yes it can and even though some people consider this idea as impossible it’s actually not. What about our peace heroes Martin Luther King Jr and Oscar Romero. They educate people of their lands to fight the injustice inflicted upon them. And furthermore, Gandhi, our peace hero. He fought injustice inflicted to him and his people by love, non-violent protest and, the core of it all, respect..
When we speak of our rights to life, of development, we are speaking of respect, of tolerance. And we can start the fighting of injustice by respect, in our own backyard. Hate crimes and stereotyping in our communities, we can try to stop them or just never do them. What we thought are completely dismissive actions like acts of bullying or peer pressure, are actually a violation of human rights. To achieve tolerance and respect, we also must not judge a person just physically. We must not ‘judge a book by it’s cover’. If we all learn to be tolerant and accepting of people who are of difference, the world would be a more peaceful place
We think, it’s never a better time to talk about peace other than now. These days, we bought a newspaper and even the front page is anything but peaceful. There’s so many conflict going on these days whether its race issue or gender issues and even countless more. And in our country these conflict are especially demonstrated. Our nation consists of so many races and so many religions that without tolerance of one another, conflict will continue to happen. It is very important, that human rights are educated throughout because that way more and more people will realize how important peace is to the nation and how much it actually affect the nation not just for the good of the people but also for the economic and the development of the nation. It is in fact critical for our country to understand tolerance and respect.
That is why, like we have said before, is necessary to educate the children so that future generations of the nation will be able to build a better and more peaceful country for years to come. If we continue letting the children to be more isolated from these issues of human rights then a better nation will never prevail.
It is necessary, everywhere in this world, to understand human rights and it’s basic which is respect and tolerance. We should start by exercising these actions now. The greater understanding of human rights will create a greater peace and even greater place to live in. human rights and peace are something inseparable and very connected. How differently we all might have looked, we’re actually not so different and whatever difference we have is there to be embraced.
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