Me, My Self, and I :D encircling the globe with my trusty D70, one step at a time.. Been so far:France,Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, German, USA Where To Next?

Thursday, December 23, 2004

almost a sleep, but stil...

what a day... I wake up @ 10 this morning, and go straight for breakfast, then move over to the mac, rewrite some stuff, then I move to the ps2 and play some MGS2SE again. if you haven’t notice, I still haven't got my shower until 4 PM. man... I’m so tired today... 2 morrow, we’ll receive our report card... I wonder how mine will come out...
hoah... I’m so frikin tired after watching 2 movies @ one go, Miracle and Wicker Park... man those 2 movies are great....
b4 I watch those movies, I already fill me tummy with fish and chips we bought in fish and co, em... yummy... can’t get enuv of those platter...
I’m soo frikin tired but I just don’t want to go to bed, I wonder why... I feel that there’s something missing in my mind and in my heart. I just can feel it, could it be you my love?

ps: a special note for the.prototpe, or thelastmoonchild, anyway around whatever you want to call your self... I still love you until the world end it’s rotation, until I can see the sun rising in my roof, with you in my side... even until that, I will still love you...


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